Monday, March 2, 2015


February 23, 2015
Well as you all heard last week I got sent out to be a zone leader again in Lerma. I am here with Elder Brimhall and we both get along really well. The new area where we spend most of our time working is called Ocoyacac. It is a small town and the people here are really, really nice. Everyone stops to listen to us and just about anyone will let us into their house, but the whole town is REALLY catholic. There are about 5-6 HUGE catholic churches here in the pueblo which makes the work a little hard but fun at the same time. Because we are working really hard and have to put in so much to help the people (just like in any other area) but this time rather than just looking all day to try and find people who let you into the house you just have to be a really, really good teacher to help them understand the importance of our message. The zone has been struggling for a little while and for this month of Feb. we only baptized 13 as a zone, which isn’t very good... This month of March we are going to be working our butts off to help the zone find more success. 

This week my companion and I baptized one person named Laura. She is so awesome! Just a quick story about Laura. She moved in with her husband, Donny, in Chiapas about 10 years ago. They have 2 kids who are the funniest little kids ever, one who’s 9 and one who’s 6. Both boys, both love singing, dancing, and soccer. Her husband has been a member his whole life but fell a little off the course until he met her. He started doing a lot better with her and they moved up here about a year and a half ago because Donny had blood cancer. The doctors thought for sure he was going to die and they gave him 48 hours to live. He overcame the procedures and now has almost fully overcome the cancer. His wife and him have been attending church every Sunday for the past 10 months but still hadn’t gotten married. A few weeks ago they got married and this week Laura got baptized by her husband. I love the family so much. They are so funny and so much fun to be around. (I’ll be sure to attach a photo of their baptism).

Even though everything is going well in the new area my companion and I are sick as dogs, We have both had fevers the whole week, with stomach problems and lots of coughing and sore throats, its just a mix of everything this week and it has really stunk.

Overall the week went my really fast, we had a great baptism and have a few other people that are progressing pretty well that we should be able to baptize in the next upcoming weeks. Love you all and hope you have a great week!!!


Elder Adams

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